Juste avant de fêter ses vingt ans de peinture, à l'âge de 33 ans, au mois de décembre 2012, Angelo Pierlo entamait son nouveau projet : Opus Philosophia. Ce projet monumental composé de 300 pièces de 2 mètres de haut sur 1 mètre de large chacune, est le premier grand projet philosophiste du genre. « Opus Philosophia » cherche à renouer avec l'art ancestral égyptien, inca, indien, maori ou italien, autrement dit “l'art sacré”. Cet immense ensemble de peintures créera une immense fresque et représentera l'histoire de notre planète, du big bang à nos jours, la naissance de l'humanité et son histoire. « Opus Philosophia » réunira (pour la première fois depuis 1993) les thèmes de la nature humaine, des sciences et des philosophies chers au peintre aixois, fondateur du mouvement philosophiste. Et lui permettra de passer par tout les styles possibles. De l' abstrait au réalisme, du narratif au surréalisme .« Opus Philosophia » par Angelo Pierlo: Nous étions au mois de décembre 2012, date présumée de la fin des temps par le peuple Maya et bien d'autres encore. J’étais installé depuis quelques jours seulement dans ce nouvel appartement, dans lequel j'aménagée un modeste atelier. Ce nouveau lieu devait être celui d'un repos bien mérité après quelques années de tumultes personnel entre la France et l'Autriche. L'ambiance y été chaleureuse. Mon nouveau sanctuaire avait des allures de petit chalet de montagne non loin de la Durance. Il était réconfortent pour moi de pouvoir peindre a nouveau dans ma Provence natale. Puis il est devenu le sanctuaire sacré dont j'avais besoin pour me recentrer et commencer à exécuter mon plus grand projet pictural. Le nom me trottait dans la tête depuis quelques jours. Opus Philosophia. littéralement " Oeuvre philosophique". Je le commencé au soir du 31 Décembre 2012. Cette date avait fait couler beaucoup d'encre au cours de l'histoire. Les Incas, les Mayas et d'autres prophéties antiques y voyaient la fin des temps ou le début d'une nouvelle ère. Pour moi c’était le parfait moment pour me lancer a corps perdu dans ce projet pharaonique. Et puisqu'il s'agit a mon avis de la véritable vocation de l'art de la peinture, je comptais par ce moyen la, témoigner de notre temps. De nos mœurs. De nos Philosophies et croyances.
english version
just before celebrated twenty years of painting, aged 33, in the night of December 31st 2012, Angelo Pierlo began his new project: Opus Philosophia. This monumental project consisting of 300 pieces, 2 meters high , and 1 meter large each , is the first great philosophist project of its type. “Opus Philosophia” seeks to renew with ancestral Egyptian, Inca, Indian, Maori or Italian art, otherwise known as “sacred art”. This immense painting ensemble will create a grand saga and will represent the history of our planet, from the big bang to present day, the birth of humanity and its history. “Opus Philosophia” will bring together (for the first time since 1993) themes of human nature, sciences and philosophies dear to the painter, founder of the philosophist movement. “Opus Philosophia” by Angelo Pierlo “It was December 31st 2012, that day I entered for the first time the flat I had only been occupying from afar. This cottage-like flat in Mirabeau, Provence became the sacred sanctuary I needed to start to execute my greatest project. The name had been on my mind for hardly a couple of days. Opus Philosophia. Many things have been said throughout history about this date. The Incas, Mayas and other antique “prophecies” viewed it as the end of time, or the beginning of a new era. For a couple of years, Philosophism (which I founded in 2010) drove me to further deal with human history and its philosophies, through painting. The discussions animating me have been present for a long time, and are present in each of us. One day I understood, it would be necessary to go beyond the beauty of things. I felt the necessity to give back to the world what it has given me, but also to crystallise the questions and feeling we are all confronted with. In December 2012, I was celebrating 19 years of painting. My dream had always been to paint for as long as possible. But I knew that one day I would have to look for a new dream. This second dream had always been inside me, and Philosphism was its passport. My love for Renaissance art gave me the idea to build an immense series, consisting of hundreds of hand-painted pieces, in order to crystallise our history, but also the miracle of life of our mother earth. For the first time, all concurred with what had been interesting me my whole life: history, science, astronomy and painting. I will paint the birth of the atom all the way to what I imagine will be our earthly future. “Opus Philosophia” is also a personal spiritual project, and embodies a truly technical prowess. It is an opportunity to see to what extent the magical transmission operates from though to hand, from hand to canvas can go. In a more visual fashion, this Opus will enable me to tackle all painting styles, from its creation to present day. The first pieces, being matter information will be an opportunity to renew with the abstract form, whereas the arrival of mankind on Earth will force me to renew with realism, surrealism and even expressionism. As the philosopher tends to claim: “Style doesn’t matter, as long as the content addresses a philosophical question in the mind of the person gazing at the work of art”. An artist’s “style” is only intended to get him to sell, yet art cannot be defined by its price, but by the message it delivers. Sharing strong emotions is, to me, the only concrete vocation of art; to leave behind a trace in history of our time and to try to communicate with our fellow beings. At least, this is my profound desire.”
english version
just before celebrated twenty years of painting, aged 33, in the night of December 31st 2012, Angelo Pierlo began his new project: Opus Philosophia. This monumental project consisting of 300 pieces, 2 meters high , and 1 meter large each , is the first great philosophist project of its type. “Opus Philosophia” seeks to renew with ancestral Egyptian, Inca, Indian, Maori or Italian art, otherwise known as “sacred art”. This immense painting ensemble will create a grand saga and will represent the history of our planet, from the big bang to present day, the birth of humanity and its history. “Opus Philosophia” will bring together (for the first time since 1993) themes of human nature, sciences and philosophies dear to the painter, founder of the philosophist movement. “Opus Philosophia” by Angelo Pierlo “It was December 31st 2012, that day I entered for the first time the flat I had only been occupying from afar. This cottage-like flat in Mirabeau, Provence became the sacred sanctuary I needed to start to execute my greatest project. The name had been on my mind for hardly a couple of days. Opus Philosophia. Many things have been said throughout history about this date. The Incas, Mayas and other antique “prophecies” viewed it as the end of time, or the beginning of a new era. For a couple of years, Philosophism (which I founded in 2010) drove me to further deal with human history and its philosophies, through painting. The discussions animating me have been present for a long time, and are present in each of us. One day I understood, it would be necessary to go beyond the beauty of things. I felt the necessity to give back to the world what it has given me, but also to crystallise the questions and feeling we are all confronted with. In December 2012, I was celebrating 19 years of painting. My dream had always been to paint for as long as possible. But I knew that one day I would have to look for a new dream. This second dream had always been inside me, and Philosphism was its passport. My love for Renaissance art gave me the idea to build an immense series, consisting of hundreds of hand-painted pieces, in order to crystallise our history, but also the miracle of life of our mother earth. For the first time, all concurred with what had been interesting me my whole life: history, science, astronomy and painting. I will paint the birth of the atom all the way to what I imagine will be our earthly future. “Opus Philosophia” is also a personal spiritual project, and embodies a truly technical prowess. It is an opportunity to see to what extent the magical transmission operates from though to hand, from hand to canvas can go. In a more visual fashion, this Opus will enable me to tackle all painting styles, from its creation to present day. The first pieces, being matter information will be an opportunity to renew with the abstract form, whereas the arrival of mankind on Earth will force me to renew with realism, surrealism and even expressionism. As the philosopher tends to claim: “Style doesn’t matter, as long as the content addresses a philosophical question in the mind of the person gazing at the work of art”. An artist’s “style” is only intended to get him to sell, yet art cannot be defined by its price, but by the message it delivers. Sharing strong emotions is, to me, the only concrete vocation of art; to leave behind a trace in history of our time and to try to communicate with our fellow beings. At least, this is my profound desire.”
quelques PIÈCES de la SÉRIE Opus philosophia furent PRÉSENTÉES aux Chaudronneries de montreuil en 2013
a L’ÎLE de ré a l' atelier l' Ecloserie 2014 (France)
a la Galerie Aa Collections de Vienne 2014 ( Autriche)
Quelques Tableaux de la SÉRIE OPUS PHILOSOPHIA
Au sujet de Opus philosophia
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Ci-dessous: flyer d'exposition de OPUS PHILOSOPHIA et des 20 ans de Carrière de Pierlo
Angelo Pierlo dans son atelier de Mirabeau en Aout 2013